Ok...so it was the Holy Land Experience in Orlando...but who would want to spend 13 hours on a flight overseas with two little boys?! We recently had an opportunity to travel with our Senior adult group at Madison Street Baptist Church to Orlando to the Holy Land Experience. Our boys had a blast! What an incredible experience - at their age to get to see replicas of the tomb, a "town square" in Jerusalem and to see a Jewish wedding! The most incredible part of this trip for all of us was touring the Scriptorium...a collection of early Bibles and the stories/keepsakes of the Great Men of God who defended it and preached it through the years...absolutely one of the most incredible and educational experiences for any family to do together! My boys heard stories and saw the Bibles of great men like Charles Spurgeon and John Calvin. We talked about the puritans and the reformers in our history lessons and then saw items from their early churches! What a great field trip...

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