Ok...lots of people like Christmas and all the hoop-lah that comes with it - and I don't want to appear to be a scrooge or anything...I mean Santa is great and he comes every year...but Christmas has become so rushed and hectic that it is becoming a blur rather than a calm, family time. Before you go writing me about the real meaning of Christmas and accusing me of forgetting what it is all about - I have NOT forgotten or fallen prey to commercialism - I realize that Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth and I have not lost sight of how special that is. It is just that we celebrate Christ's birth, death and resurrection every day of the year if we are truly living for Him!
This, FALL is becoming my favorite time of the year! Cooler weather (but not cold of course - we live in FLORIDA!), time in the yard with the kids, sweaters, fires in the outdoor fire pit, being able to run in the afternoon without feeling like you are going to pass out (ok...when I run I ALWAYS feel like I am going to pass out!)...all the things that make fall wonderful! I know my husband would say it is the beginning of FOOTBALL season - that is a great day for CHAD! My kids would say it is time to get out the BB guns and paintball gear...

Fall may mean different things to different people - but fall, for us, usually means that we try to make time to be together to enjoy outdoors! I hope it is for your family too....make the time!
Michele Everson
Proud wife to Football Fan Pastor Chad Everson
and Proud Homeschooling Mama to two wonderful boys!
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