One of Those Days in the Everson Household...

Ever have one of those days? No...not the bad ones - one of those really fun, sweet and "blessed" days? A day where it is just neat to see God working - in my kids, in my friends and in my church....a day where, by the middle of it you are just anxious to answer the phone to see what is going to happen next! Well, that is today! Nothing HUGE - nothing with any specific answers or finality to it - just a day where you see God working all around you and it just makes you sit back and say "wow - He is such an incredible, loving God"...He reminds you that He is in control and He cares about all the details.

I pray that when these days come along, that I notice them. I wonder how many times my attitude or my busy-ness keeps me from paying attention to all the things going on around me? If I had made that phone call to check on a friend like I was supposed to, I would have been blessed to hear their testimony of God's goodness - but I didn't take the time....or how, if I had taken the time to talk with my child about why they made the choice that they did rather than just fussin' at them, I would hear them work through a decision that, as best they could, they were applying Scripture to their many times do I RUSH through my day, exhausted by the end of it - instead of enjoying the journey that He has me on...doing HIS to-do list instead of mine!

I needed that reminder today! Thank you Lord for always knowing how to get my attention!

Proud wife of sweet hubby, Pastor Chad Everson and Proud Mama of two GROWING boys!