If You're a Mama, You Better Be a Reader!

Ok...the title of this blog should probably be, "If you're a Christian, You better be a reader"...but I'll pick on Mama's for now! In the move things have been so hectic and crazy - so many things on the "to do" list each day that don't get done, that my reading has taken a back seat. Even though we have been here a month (gee, time flies, huh?), my evening baths have still been more like time to soak and ponder all that the next day has in store! As a result, I am finding myself as more "reactive" to circumstances around me than as one who impacts my family, my home and the attitude of my children. While my quiet times and Bible reading have kept me grounded....I have not approached them with the same diligence and excitement as I have when I am reading and studying. The only way to explain it is to think of a student: If you are student in a college English class, taking the course because it is part of the required curriculum for all majors, you will study and get by - maybe even with a good grade - because it is something you need to do. If you are student who is majoring in English studies (who knows what this is called?), then you will take in the information in a whole new light, with a new vigor and your study habits will be much more passionate. When I am not studying and dedicating myself to growth through reading, my Bible study becomes more something that "I need to do" than something that feeds my growth and that I have a passion for. Does that make sense?

This past week I have made a determined effort to change this - I miss my reading! About 5 years ago, Chad and I started challenging each other to read good, solid books on a regular basis. I have always loved reading, but I liked the fictional "no brain activity required" type of reading. Chad reads regularly, but does not necessarily love reading. So, we started reading together. He would choose a book for us to go through and discuss. It grew until I have my own reading list to accomplish - filled with books by authors I know and trust (not fluff - and solid biblically), filled with subjects that I don't necessarily have a great interest in, but need to know. Some are convicting and some are informative, others inspirational.

We make our boys read - sometimes they get to read fun books that they choose, and then sometimes they read the books we choose for them. We know they don't necessarily love reading the books we choose (biographies of Heroes of the Faith usually), but they learn from them and will eventually learn the value of them. It is the same way with my reading. I don't necessarily LOVE reading some of the books/subjects/authors I have on my list - but there is value there. So much so, when I picked up a Christian novel over the Christmas holidays to "relax", I found myself wondering why I was spending my valuable reading time on that (not that there is anything wrong with reading it!)....

I will spend a couple of blogs going through some of my favorite books and/or authors and why.... not that I expect you to value what I say, but because I know it can be a daunting task to discern good authors and to do the research through all the "junk" that is out there in the Christian markets today.

Michele Everson, Proud Wife of Pastor Chad Everson and
Proud Mama to two reading little boys!

Oh my goodness, Michele, did he ask permission before sharing your bath habits last night?? ;-)

But what a great idea! I am not normally a bath taker because I consider it a "waste" of time because I'm just sitting there, but using that time to read makes a lot of sense! I am always behind on the reading pile I have accumulated, and only a few of those are fiction. But free time to read is so hard to come by!

I can't wait to hear your recommendations. Thanks for sharing yourself with us!

