Revival this week - then visiting grandparents!

Well, Chad was in revival at a Church in Georgia this week! I have to say it was good visiting in Bulldog Country again (even if we did return home to a loss this weekend!). Walkerville Baptist Church, near Blackshear, Georgia, held revival services this week and we thoroughly enjoyed being with them. The boys and I went with Chad on Sunday night and Thursday night and the boys loved being there. The church fellowship was so sweet and the people were very receptive to preaching. It was a wonderful revival time for us as well!

After Revival Services on Thursday, we went to grandparent's house in Valdosta! They have recently moved in and the boys had a blast messing it up with all their toys! Boom Boom never minds though - she usually has all their toys out and ready for them and their favorite foods in the fridge! Thursday night, as we were getting the boys tucked into bed, Caleb said, "mommy, Boom Boom worked really hard to get moved into her house just for us didn't she?" - that's the way Boom Boom and Granddaddy always make these boys feel - that it is just for them! They love their Boom Boom and Granddaddy!

Michele Everson, Proud Wife of Pastor Chad Everson
Proud Mom of two wonderful boys and Proud Daughter - in - law of
two terrific grandparents!