Just teasin' about the title....there is nothing difficult about living with this man during football season - even if the Bulldogs lose! (Except maybe dealing with the decibel level of the TV in the house combined with three boys shouting at the TV). Football season is fun around here. If you don't live with a football fan - you are missing out on the excitement - checking the scouting reports and expert's predictions of the outcomes...planning the television viewing schedules...planning food around which game is most important and most of all - yelling or cheering at the TV as the game is on! Then there are the constant influx of phone calls from people "talking trash" about the game or the bulldogs - the touchdown dances that the boys make up after every game and the celebrations that go on every time the bulldogs win!
Ok, ladies - every time you get tempted to get aggravated about football season, sportscenter and Pardon the Interruption - remember, that loud noise you hear in the other room hollerin' at the TV, means that he is home with you and not out sittin' in a tree, throwin' a line in a lake somewhere or out with the boys somewhere! He is at home - keep him there with some pre-game snacks, some sweet tea at halftime and some celebration feasts after the game!
Michele Everson
Bulldog Wife and Mama (and shh... a closet Auburn fan in a bulldog household!)
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