Testing Blues...

Ok...we have been doing "testing" for the end of the school year this week...fun, NOT! While we approached this week with full knowledge of what we were getting into, I don't think any of us could have anticipated what happened and how draining this week would be for all of us! After all, do you remember? I remember sitting in class, knowing that the test was important and being nervous about not knowing something - thinking, I better read this question again (4 times) - what if I missed something? What if it was a trick question? If I don't get it right, it really might be the end of my life!

Ok...so maybe not quite that dramatic - but I did do the ultimate stress out over tests! Then, you have my hubby - who admits that if he could have skipped the test and still passed the class, he would have seriously considered it! Not a good mix when you consider our offspring! Our boys are so much like their parents! I will apologize to them when they are older and can understand it - and thankfully they would NOT understand it at this point!

During pre-testing last week, we practiced staying calm and just focusing on "what is the question asking you?"....bless his heart - you put a math problem in front of him that he is unsure of, and the nervous tics begin, tears flow and the stomach turns flips! Reason is out the window and all he sees is a life in the ghetto...

Our youngest, well - he is just really not that interested in testing - after all, he knows he can do the work, why don't you just believe him!? He tries to get everything done in record time and get to more important things - like legos... Unless of course, you tell him that I will be giving Daddy (his hero) a full report of how the testing goes - then it is ultra important that I understand why he is right with every answer!

So...we begin testing - be pray for strength, clarity of mind and no tears. The thought is to get our hardest subjects over with first - oldest/math and youngest/language arts & spelling....tears flowed... TEACHER left the room and MOM stepped in! I stopped them and reminded them that we do our very best for God EVERY DAY and that this test is just one more day! I reminded them that they knew what they were doing and that tests were just a chance to prove it! I spoke about deep breaths and calming down (lamaze classes came back to my mind!)...and then...
Well, we got through it....that's about it! I can't tell you that the clouds parted and sunshine came down in our house - that birds were singing and the boys were smiling....but we did it! They tested well (as I knew they would) and they stopped all the dramatics.

Funny, as soon as they thought the test was over and I just asked them some "follow up questions" for my curiosity, they were able to handle their hardest questions without even so much as a misty eye or hiccup! Amazing....

Do you remember getting this worked up over tests? I do....I hate it for them and I know I owe them an apology - but they got it from me! I still get worked up when I know I have to do....well, just about anything! I can make myself sick thinking about outreach, teaching Sunday School, homeschooling them, meeting new people....you name it! So, what do we learn through the years that separates the adult from the child?
1. Remembering that I do EVERYTHING as unto the Lord, for it is the Lord God I am serving EVERYDAY (Colossians 3:23 paraphrased)...
2. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Phil.4:13) - so He will equip me to do whatever He calls me to do....
3. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God had ordained before time,that we should walk in them (Eph 2:10)....He has already set my course and has the tasks for me to do - I just have to follow through on His plan.

oh...so much more....but to sum up - realizing that EVERYTHING I do, EVERYDAY, must be bathed in His Word and that my life must be governed by His Word...If I do that, He will be satisfied and glorified - that is all that matters!

So, I wish I could say that I never panic or fear - but it would be lying. I wish I could say we were completely done with testing, but that would be lying also (don't tell the boys yet! Let them have a good weekend!)...but what I can tell you, that I know from experience and it is truth....that test really ISN'T "the end of my life as I know it!"

Reading this all I could think about was how much Caleb is like Dalton when it came to test taking, especially in math. Like you, I know he can do it but the thought of getting it wrong is just to much for him. It breaks your heart. Thankfully the last two years he has gotten better with it and no tears have been shed at the end of the year test. I pray the same will come to him, it will make school so much fun!! Thank you for sharing. Its nice to see your not alone!!
