
It was so good to see friends from Florida this past weekend! We have so many people from Madison Street that we love and respect a great many that we miss desperately and would love to see more often! But in saying that, we had a great opportunity to talk with our kids this weekend about understanding why God gives us friends! What a neat discussion....

The boys have got the calendar out looking at who is visiting when...when their friends, Katey, Zach and Cob will move here, when Savannah and Bryanna will visit and when their cousins are coming! They have it all mapped out and they are ready! We have big plans - tents, toys and trips! They are excited....and it leads, as it always does, to a discussion on how much we miss everyone. But this time, it also leads to a discussion on how thankful we are that God is giving us friends sweet Trinity is as a Church and how many precious people we are meeting. In this discussion we get to talk about all the blessings that are a part of our life here and how God is working in our Church...and the boys start putting together the dots - on their own - that if we are faithful to do what God puts before us, He is faithful to take care of us in the midst. He has called us to Trinity and He has blessed us in the middle of our move! He has healed hearts and, without our knowing it, ingrained a love for "new" church in our hearts! Sometime in the last few weeks they went from missing folks to looking forward to our life here! Now, they still miss friends - of course - but they were able to recognize God's work in their lives and their cool is that?!