Over the last month or so our family has really been on an emotional roller coaster ride. While we have been saddened by the moving away from Madison Street Baptist Church, we are excited about what God is going to do at Trinity Baptist Church in Southaven, Mississippi! We have left family and friends and we have cried as we have separated from one of the sweetest churches in the Country. As we were tucking the boys into bed the other night, our oldest made the comment that although this is hard, he knows that "God has something wonderful for us here and He has something for us to do at Trinity". It was an incredible opportunity for us to discuss "doing hard things" and that God expects us to stretch, challenge and step out in faith for Him! He doesn't expect us to do the easy, "feel good" stuff...He wants more from us than that! Our oldest talked about that God expects obedience from us and, if we are not approaching this "new adventure" with the right attitude and an expectation of God to take care of us, then He cannot bless us in our disobedience....we talked about that our attitude can be sin in our lives - we have to see these changes as opportunities to serve and we have to trust Him to take care of us, send us friends and to grow a love in our hearts for Trinity. What an incredible experience to watch our 10 year old show such spiritual growth!
God is going to do wonderful things at Trinity and they have already been so sweet to our family! We have been so blessed as a family - from MSBC, we thank you for such wonderful fellowship and friendship, support and love! For Trinity, we thank you for the warm welcome, the signs in the yards and the open arms you have extended to our family! We look forward to serving God here alongside you!
Michele Everson, Proud wife of Pastor Chad Everson and
Proud Mama to two wonderful boys learning to, like David, Do Hard Things!
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