Daddy (Bro. Chad Everson, Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Southaven, MS) was "preaching to the choir" tonight!

As we sat in services tonight, Chad was preaching out of Psalm 107 and he discussed the grace that is shown to us as believers when God disciplines us - that it is truly the love and mercy of God that will not allow us to continue in sin, but loves us deeply enough to chastise us and call us back to holiness. As he was preaching, I remembered a VERY recent discussion I had with my boys - we were sitting in our oldest's room and I was discussing a rotten attitude with him. He had been "short" with everyone that day and was "biting people's heads off" with every word....I had tried to be patient with him as things have been so emotional for all us lately, but his attitude required "intervention". Now my oldest can, and usually will, see the error of his ways with a good discussion (following "intervention" when necessary). As we sat and discussed why his attitude was sin and what the wrong heart attitudes and thoughts were that were fueling it, calling sin for what it was, his heart broke and repentance was shown - true, heartfelt repentance that wanted to make things right. Then, the most incredible opportunity came about - right out of Psalm 107....he said how horrible he felt and that he just wanted to stay in his room - I explained to him that the "horrible feeling" that he felt and the conviction in his life at that time was actually a blessing from God....that this chastisement - not from Mama, but in his heart - was God's working in his life and that it is through the grace of God that we are reminded that we are His children. Chastisement, true chastisement of sin is a consistent reminder of our salvation and that He loves us enough to not allow us to get away with walking in sin. We were able to take the Word of God and show that even in our discipline and "bad feelings" about our sin, we can be thankful for the grace and mercy of God, for His forgiveness and for His love. Amazing grace!

Michele Everson, Proud wife of Pastor Chad Everson and
Proud Mama to two children who are growing in grace alongside their Mama and Daddy!